Mediatek announced they were working on a TRUE OCTA-CORE processor last June. Now the first smartphone utilizing this has gone official. A Chinese phone manufacturer UMI shows off the UMI X2S at the Autumn Edition of Hong Kong Electronics Fair. You may not heard the name of this company as they sell their phones in China only.

  The smartphone is powered by Mediatek MT6592 chipset with an octa-core Cortex A7 1.5GHz processor and 2GB of RAM. There is no mention of the GPU initially but while benchmarking the MT6592, the presence of a Mali-450 was detected, so we can assume that's it.

  The rest of the UMI's specs include a 5" 1080p display, 32GB internal memory, a 13MP camera with Sony lens and NFC connectivity. Since MT6592 is LTE capable, we guess X2S will also be equipped with LTE.

  There is no info on the pricing and availability yet, but the gadget is supposed to be very affordable despite its pretty impressive CPU.

 Mediatek may remain the only true octa-core chip maker for some time cause Samsung is said to be working on a firmware update that will enable Exynos 5 Octa to run the 8 cores at the same time. And the revised version of Exynos 5 is unlikely to take part in hardware before the Galaxy S5 get released.

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