Are you willing to buy any WP device other than Nokia Lumia series? Are you bored with the thick WP devices manufactured by Nokia? Do you want to buy a stylish WP device and Nokia’s design doesn’t attract you much? Ok enough questions, if all the answers are yes then I’ve got good news for you guys and that is Sony has confirmed to manufacture a WP device.There was a speculation for some days that Sony will venture in manufacturing a WP Smartphone but it is confirmed recently by Pierre Perron, head of Sony Mobile Europe in an interview.

Now that Sony has also jumped in WP world then we are bound to see some stylish WP Smartphones with waterproof as well as dust proof capabilities. And we may see a rivalry in camera department between Sony and Nokia. The popularity of WP is increasing day by day and with Sony’s joining WP platform will see a sales boost for sure.

At this point MS need to play nice and the latest OS update need to deliver some deadly features so that MS can turn the table towards themselves. And after Nokia’s acquisition the WP market will be open for other OEMs to business with more freeness.

Here’s what Mr. Perron reportedly said:

We are continuing our discussions with other partners, including Microsoft, as part of our partnership with this company on the broader Sony spectrum. [Working with Microsoft] is an interesting proposition for us in the PC environment, and we continue our engagement with them. We are exploring this as part of our discussion in mobile space too. One thing is using the platform [Windows Phone] itself, and another is 'what can we deliver on top of it'?

It is interesting to see what name Sony uses for their WP Smartphones, there are some rumors suggesting that Sony will use Vaio name for WP devices and it is somewhat will be less confusing for consumers. Let’s hope we see some great Sony branded WP devices in this year.

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