One of many things that 2013 has offered is Smart watches. Many popular OEMs like Sony, Samsung, Qualcomm and some lesser known companies like Pebble launched Smart watches. But to be frank the first generation of smart watches does not live up to the hype. Mostly because they do not offer a lot of features that can attract a large amount of crowd, and also the price is seems to be another factor too. But the second generations of smart watches are already in works and Google, Apple and even Microsoft is reportedly going to launch their smart watches in 2014. And then we might see some eye-popping features in smart watches and their sell should kick off. Here is a list of features that we would love to see in future smart watches.

5. Ability to download directly to your phone:

It would be a nice feature if you can download any file directly to your Smartphone from your smart watch. I.e. Smart watches are connected over Bluetooth with your Smartphone, so if you could download any file in your Smartphone without touching it is a great idea indeed. So, you start a download in your smart watch and the data downloaded to your Smartphone automatically.

4. Making video calls:

This feature is surely going to be implemented in smart watches very soon, the ability to make a video call. And it will be a common feature in future generation of smart watches. Making a video call from your watch sounds pretty cool, and if this happens this year, you can use this with some old/budget Smart phones that don’t feature front camera.

3. Game Control:

Yeah you read it right game control, some smart watches may have the ability to play games but if you can place your tablet in a comfortable place and start a game but don’t want to spoil any screen space by game controls, so you start a game and all the controls can be accessed with your smart watch, so that’s a cool idea, isn't it?

2. 2-In-1 Smart watch:

Samsung, LG both have the technology to manufacture bendable Smartphone, even they already have launched it too (LG G Flex). So, if they manufacture a Smartphone that can be worn as a smart watch too. It will be a great purchase as well as you don’t have to carry two devices with you, if you can wrap your Smartphone in your wrist. We would love to see these products.

1. Tiny doctor in hand:

Science and Technology can do wonders you can’t think ever, and believing this fact it can be expected that we would see future smart watches with smart sensors those will be able to check your heart rate or can measure your blood pressure, sugar level and various other health concerns. So, you don’t need to rush to your doctor for a health check-up. And this will be a great innovation. Apple recently got approval for a patent on a heart rate monitor, so we might have to wait little less for this innovation.

There are already smart watches that sports GPS and exercise tracker so, I did not mention these features, but these feature should be included in all smart watches. That’s what I think. So, if someone has an idea too in this matter please feel free to share with us, we will be obliged. Thanks in advance.

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