Moto G, Moto G and Moto G from the report of Moto G launching in India, everyday it remained in the top headlines on most tech websites. After it launched in India on 6th February Moto G was sold out within one hour but still there is no stopping of Moto G news. Flipkart.com which is the online retailer of Moto G in India, is eyeing to tie a long term partnership with Motorola.
Sachin Bansal, Flipkart co-founder and CEO while talking to PTI expressed,
"It is extremely overwhelming. We were surprised. We did not expect this kind of response. It was more than the traffic on peak Diwali rush. Our site also went down for a couple of minutes on February 6th, the day of launch, due to traffic”
 He also added that within 15 minutes of launch all 16 GB variants of Moto G were sold out at 13,999 and only few 8 GB variants costing 12,499 were left, and he also confirmed that Flipkart will continue selling Moto G in India. 
"Definitely, I think both Motorola and Flipkart are seeking a long term relationship. Sure, I think we do see and actually hope that we do get to do more such things together,"- Bansal said.
He also added both the firms believe online shopping is the way forward and as the world is moving towards e-shopping India will also follow. According to him the less price difference between 8 GB variant and the 16 GB variant lead more people to buy the 16 GB variant.

Besides sales, Flipkart saw the eye popping traffic on their website, the traffic was twice the rate of other days and a whooping 67% of traffic was driven single handedly by Moto G.

 "Our page views increased by 100 percent during the launch and Moto G page saw a million page views on February 6, also, inbound calls to customer support number doubled and we had close to 20,000 queries on Moto G alone during the day,"- he said.
 When asked about bringing Moto X to India, he said that both the company is focusing on the response for Moto G.
"Right now, we are focusing on Moto G and we want to wait and see how it is and then take a call on other opportunities, I don't know how it will pan out, but we want to wait for a few days and then sit down to decide," Bansal added.
Motorola hasn’t done any business in India after Google acquired it in May 2012. And after the launch of Moto G in India they make a grand comeback in India, already the Moto G has pressurized other local Indian Smartphone manufacturers along with big players like Samsung. And in reply, Xolo one of the popular Indian Smartphone manufacturer going to unveil Xolo Q1100 with Quad core Snapdragon 400 SoC with 720p 5-inch display to compete with Moto G. So, it is pretty sure we will see some great fight in the midrange Smartphone market.
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