Windows Phone has started to follow the Android way, sorry the way Android Smartphones get updates. The latest GDR3 update from Microsoft which is available for quite some time now is being installed in 15% of WP8 devices. That’s a very poor update rate.

ADDuplex which keeps track of WP8 progress tweeted this information. Now Microsoft must step up to see the regular updates.
All the WP devices are strictly hardware restricted so it is mandatory to deliver updates fast. But that’s not in this case.

Though, newly launched WP devices from Nokia carry this latest updates and also Nokia delivered their own update for the Lumia devices, so, it is expected that the numbers should increase soon. Here’s the tweet:

AdDuplex stats teaser: GDR3 is on ~15% of WP8

— Alan Mendelevich (@ailon) January 25, 2014


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