Lava has launched it's latest tablet in India, the Lava IvoryS. The tablet was announced earlier this month along with Lava Iris 406Q and Lava 450 COLOUR. Now the Lava IvroyS is official and the tablet features a 7-inch display with 1024x600 pixel resolution and supports multi touch.
The Lava IvoryS is powered by 1.3 GHz dual core MediaTek MT8312 processor accompanied by 416 MHz Mali 400 GPU. The latest Lava tablet runs on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean out of the box with no hope for Kitkat update.
But the good news is the tablet has 1 GB DDR3 RAM (which is must for a tablet), along with 4 GB of internal storage. The internal storage is low but the memory is expandable via microSD card up to 32 GB, so nothing to worry.
Commenting on the launch of Lava IvoryS, S.N. Rai, Co-founder and Director, Lava International said,
Dr. Finbarr Moynihan, General Manager – International Sales & Marketing, MediaTek Inc. said,
Lava has provided some pre loaded apps on this tablet such as Opera browser, Music App, WhatsApp, PayTM, EA games. The Tablet is available in Grey and White colors, and is priced at Rs. 8,499.
The Lava IvoryS is powered by 1.3 GHz dual core MediaTek MT8312 processor accompanied by 416 MHz Mali 400 GPU. The latest Lava tablet runs on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean out of the box with no hope for Kitkat update.
But the good news is the tablet has 1 GB DDR3 RAM (which is must for a tablet), along with 4 GB of internal storage. The internal storage is low but the memory is expandable via microSD card up to 32 GB, so nothing to worry.
Commenting on the launch of Lava IvoryS, S.N. Rai, Co-founder and Director, Lava International said,
We are very happy to announce the launch of our latest sleek and affordable offering, IvoryS, 7 inch tablet which is an extension of our Ivory Series. IvoryS is especially designed for youngsters and young working professionals to engage them with stylish product that meets their requirements of entertainment and connectivity at an affordable price.The Lava IvoryS packs a 3.2 MP rear camera with LED flash and a 0.3 MP VGA front camera unit is also present to take care of the self shots as well as video calls. The Tablet is a dual SIM supported device supports GSM 2G + GSM 3G SIMs with dual stand-by.
Dr. Finbarr Moynihan, General Manager – International Sales & Marketing, MediaTek Inc. said,
We are delighted to continue the collaboration with Lava, our long term partner, to help make leading technology more affordable and accessible to everyone. MediaTek’s dual-core processor, the MT8312, is designed to deliver high performance for tablets with clock speeds of 1.3 GHz and advanced multimedia and display configurations. We believe that this device, fully loaded with advanced features, will help set new benchmarks for the mid-range voice calling tablets.Connectivity wise, the tablet sports voice calling features, 3G HSPA+, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.0, GPS with A-GPS, FM Radio, 3.5 mm Audio Jack. And IvoryS packs a rather small 2800 mAh Li-Po battery unit.
Lava IvoryS key specs:
- 7-inch (1024 x 600 pixels) capacitive multi touch display
- Body Dimensions: 191x108.5x9.8 mm, weighs: 300 grams
- 1 GB DDR3 RAM, 4 GB internal memory, expandable memory up to 32 GBwith microSD
- Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean
- 1.3 GHz dual-core MediaTek MT8312 processor with 416 MHz Mali 400 GPU
- 3.2MP rear camera with LED flash, 0.3MP VGA front-facing camera
- Dual SIM (2G + 3G) with dual standby
- Voice calling, 3G HSPA+, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n , Bluetooth v4.0, GPS with A-GPS, microUSB v2.0, 3.5mm audio jack, FM Radio
- 2800 mAh Li-Po battery
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