Apple tried to enter the Android congested Smartphone market with their iPhone 5c running the latest version of iOS. Though it was intended for mid range segment, it was priced at high range like the iPhone 5s, even though it was nowhere close to the iPhone 5s which was the flagship Apple mobile for 2013. So, many buyers went to the iPhone 5s way rather than 5c.

And now, at the 3rd of 2014, here’s the breaking news that, over 3 million of iPhone 5c models are not sold. 2 million models are kept by the Pegatron, the manufacturer of iPhone 5c and the remaining 1 million iPhone 5c models are in the shelves on the carriers and various distributors.

In the last quarter of 2013, Apple sold record 51 million iPhones, but the iPhone 5c hasn’t sold like a best seller and doesn’t take a huge mark in the number. The build quality and the inferior specs are to be blamed along with a bad pricing by Apple.

The plastic body and heavy and somewhat thick iPhone 5c felt cheap and also the specs it offered isn’t too much compelling when you consider the price. In US with 2 year contracts, a 16 GB iPhone 5c costs $99 and the 32 GB variant costs $199; and if you consider the sim free version you will need to pay a hefty $549 for the 16 GB iPhone 5c and $649 for the 32 GB.

In India, the 16 GB iPhone 5c costs a cool eye popping Rs. 39,900 and the 32 GB costs Rs. 53,500. The SamsungGalaxy S4 costs Rs. 29,499, and Sony Xperia Z1 compact costs Rs. 33k, so with the 4-inch plastic body iPhone 5c costs way too much more from those Android Smartphones.

So, to clear the stocks carriers and distributors need to cut the price and cut it significantly, but their contracts with Apple and higher cost price have kept them from doing that. But as the rumors suggests, Apple is going to launch the next iPhone 6 with a larger 4.5 to 4.7 inch screen and also rumors of 5.5-inch iPhone Phablet are arising now and then in Internet, it looks the future is not so good for the iPhone 5c.

The carriers and distributors may not want to sell the iPhone 5c in lower price, but they have to sell them and sell them in low price. So, if you want to buy yourself a colorful iPhone just keep the eye for price drops and also wait patiently, soon you will come to know that the iPhone 5c costs less than 30k.

As soon as the price of iPhone 5c drops or the news of new iPhone appears, I will surely let you know. So, keep visiting my blog for more news of latest gadgets. Have a good day.


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